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No New Posts Aurinko's Cerchia

Aurinko's Cerchia, meaning Sun's Circle in Finnish, is deep within the woods. It is almost a perfect circle, the dense trees of the woods providing a border and protection. Grass grows during the spring and summer, dying slowly in the fall. Winter is cold with lots of snow. The stream that runs directly through the center is thin but runs fast, never freezing. It seems to appear from nowhere, only to disappear into darkness once again. Lots of fish swim toward the bottom. It is dark most of the day, due to the tall trees, but noon is very bright, brighter than most places. There is nothing much to the land, but that's what makes it so special.

3 18 Passion of the Storm
by kodawari
Oct 27, 2009 17:23:19 GMT -5
No New Posts Artiest Terra

A large land filled with tall grasses, pines and exploding with life. Mountains shoot up in the background, while in spring several types of flower blossoms pop up in the main valley. Nearly the only type of trees here are pine, making the winters just as beautiful as the summers.

3 3 xxx l The Herd
by ÐяÈàMBïĞ
Sept 19, 2009 19:16:23 GMT -5
No New Posts Hidden Paradise

When one thinks of a desert, they think of the endless hills of golden sand, the endless heat and dispair. They imagine famine and a land without water or beauty. But this place, hidden within a vast expanse of desert, could defy all these otherwise foolish anbd stereotypical notions. At the heart of what seems to be a wasteland of nothing but sand, there rests an amazingly large oasis. It is here that palm trees grow, poroviding shade for the weary and the lost. It is here where there is not only a crystalline pool of water, but a small sieres of waterfalls that feed this oasis. Perhaps the largest of its kind. Desert grass, though not as lush and sweet, provides food and nutrition that is vital to survival. Plenty of shade, food, and water... And in the one place that seems so unlikely to be known as Hidden Paradise.

1 1 ++ The Heirarchy ++
by -|| Risk ||-
Oct 12, 2009 20:06:41 GMT -5
No New Posts Unforgiving Hollows

The land of unforgiving hollows is vast and ever changing. A large high stone wall, covers the edge of the land, and only has two entrances, witch are also the exits. But still it is hard to enter his grounds without being known. But on the inside the largeness of the hollows is how its gotten its name. It has large weeping willows along the edges inside and out of the large jagged walls. and long lush grasses cover all of the areas except for the four blue and black rose corners. in each corner of the land. then In the right back corner of the terran is a medium sized pond where a misty fog hovers over it in the winter and fall months. Along with a large lake that sits right in the middle of the territory. The lakes are clear and dazzeling. But be carefull the ponds and lakes are very deep if you wander about at night, since the long grasses hide the water. And there is a path from the firs entrace, to the far left end osf the land, is where unforgiven's mares and children sleep. The resting place is large and encircled with weeping willows. then from the back entrance, is another private spot where if his mares need to talk or give birth they can do it in the saftey of the hollows. but now, The land changes frequently, but most of it stays the same, but don't dare enter the unforgiving hollows, for its king isn't very kind to trouble makers, and unruly stallions.

5 31 My Love, My Life
by kodawari
Oct 20, 2009 21:39:38 GMT -5
No New Posts Freedom Valley

Surrounded by the guarding mountains, Freedom valley is a safe haven for all who enter. Only one narrow passageway through a cave is the entrance. Once inside the lush, growing beauty is breathtaking. The air, so crisp and new. A small river runs through the center of it bringing life to the valley. The area has abundant wildlife and is a perfect terra for supporting a growing wolf Pack. Welcome to Freedom Valley. -W-

Moderator: ♥Autumn♥

7 47 The new begining
by ♥Autumn♥
Oct 20, 2009 14:29:08 GMT -5
No New Posts Shattered Hope

Open territory. Wolves only.

2 12 ~Terrified Obedience~
by kodawari
Sept 19, 2009 20:27:47 GMT -5
No New Posts The Fall of Dreams

Away from most territories lies the Fall of Dreams. A wide open clearing with a forest surrounding it, it's very secluded. Across the the clearing lies a lake and waterfall.The lake is full of edible fish and the perfect place to swim. Above the waterfall lies bushes and rocks, the perfect place to hide or hunt if your careful of the rocks. -W-

3 3 The Ranks
by daydream
Sept 8, 2009 7:41:55 GMT -5
No New Posts Albtraum Heiligt

This is Albtraum Heiligt... Located in a dark..cold hallow in the the vast of the dead forest. Its almost impossible to find unless personally invited, so it rarely get visitors here. But then again, visitors aren't truely welcome. The land has a thick fog, making it pitch black at night and a hazy blue during daylight hours. Few plants live here from the lack of light, the floor is sand and the trees are dead and naked..Thorn patches plague the edges of the hallows, devouring unexpected guest who might slip and fall..Though its safe to thread anywhere else..only watch for bones of things that couldn't make it back through the mist. There is trail that leads into the light and provides enough grass to keep the residents fed so they don't starve to the point that they're weak... dare to enter the home of the dead? -W-

3 4 I told you we'd meet again --challange--
by -|| Risk ||-
Sept 17, 2009 12:16:48 GMT -5

The Lands

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Sept 6, 2009 2:15:26 GMT -5
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Aug 31, 2009 4:38:51 GMT -5


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The Lands

The mortal lands. The terrain varies from forests and woods, mountains, lakes, oceans, deserts, canyons, and many other different types of terrain.
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